Welcome to natasha powell photography! Every creative photography session from natasha powell photography is completely unique and Made with Love...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jesse's Baby Bump!

Here are a few photos I took of my friend Jesse and her cute 'lil baby bump!

Less than a week after the photo shoot (Ironically, the exact day I finished the photo editing) Jesse gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Charlie Rose. 

I can only hope that I will be able to photograph baby Charlie as she grows in the years to come!

Congrats Jesse!

xo Natasha 


Why, hello! It's been a while!

I've been very busy these past few months taking an online photography class at Durham College. For those of you who wish to know... I passed with flying colours! And I am proud :)

Earlier this month, just after I took my final exam, I visited a friend on a mild winter day to photograph her growing baby bump.

Here's a sneak peek  CUTE!

Check out the photos in my next post!