Welcome to natasha powell photography! Every creative photography session from natasha powell photography is completely unique and Made with Love...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Countdown begins!

I'm SO SO excited for the holidays to begin!
Warm & fuzzy feelings.... warm & fuzzy clothing...that fresh, crispy air leading to that first big snowfall...

I'm positive many of you will start scowling at the screen once you read that I've been finished with my holiday shopping since the beginning of NOVEMBER!
(I know, I'm crazy)

But, for those of you who are looking for the perfect gift for that special someone, why not purchase a fun, fresh & creative photography session gift certificate!

Simply purchase a specific dollar amount OR pick a particular photography session package to make the perfect gift this holiday!
My gift certificates never expire and will help create beautiful memories captured on film for the ones you L.O.V.E most.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mama's got a BRAND NEW....Website!

Oh Happy Day! After weeks of toiling over my laptop and making extremely upset and confused faces... I FINALLY have a brand spankin' new portfolio site! YAY ME!
For those of you who are sick of reading my blog posts and just want to get down to the nitty gritty...You're in luck!
With the help of www.wix.com , I now have a new strictly photography/ portfolio flash website! WOO!


Of course I am forever grateful to Blogger for helping me create an identity in the photography business. I will continue to fascinate and bewilder my blog viewers with this wonderful site as well.  

Thanks to all who read this. I appreciate each and every one of my followers and encourage you to Check out my NEW SITE!

xoxox L.O.V.E Natasha

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cloudy day Cuties...

 On a cold and cloudy saturday, I cuddled up with cutie patootie Sabrina and her handsome brothers Parker and Spencer...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Book your session!

Booking a fresh, modern and creative photography session with natasha powell photography is now easier than ever!

Simply go to my Contact page for a quick and easy way to submit your information, questions and L.O.V.E

I look forward to hearing from you!